
Ancaman Bom, Pesawat Germanwings Putar Balik

Maskapai penerbangan Germanwings mengevakuasi penumpangnya sesaat pesawat itu mendapatk ancaman bom di Bandara Cologne-Bonn, awalnya pesawat akan terbang menuju Milan,Italia pada minggu malam (12/4). Dengan nomor penerbangan 826.

Menara pengawas di Cologne memperingatkan pilot Airbus A320 yang tengah masuk ke arah landasan pacu pada saat itu. Pilot mengambil langkah antisipasi dan membatalkan penerbangan, sesuai prosedur keselamatan penerbangan. Para penumpang dan awak diminta meninggalkan pesawat.

Disebutkan, ancaman itu dikirim melalui email ke bandara itu 15 menit sebelum jadwal keberangkatan pesawat.


1 thought on “Ancaman Bom, Pesawat Germanwings Putar Balik”

  1. I loved this post Earl. Thanks for sharing some of the denstipriocs of the exhibits. They really made me stop and think and smile too. I had a boyfriend in high school who ended up being more into anything from Polo Ralph Lauren than me. I’m surprised how long it took me to realize how weird he was lol. He gave me a random gift once (not from Polo) in a Polo bag which would be the object I’d put in the museum because it’d make me laugh. Unfortunately I tossed that bag in the trash many many years ago. I learned from that relationship to pay attention to the small things and that there really are materialistic people out there! -Sydney

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