VIDEO STILLS -øøAn air hostess has been suspended after she was caught eating passenger MEALS.
The flight attendant was filmed mid-air tucking into a box of rice and meat which was lined up alongside a row of around 15 identical dishes.
She can be seen in the kitchen area next to a door on low cost Chinese carrier Urumqi Air as she uses a spoon to devour mouthfuls of food while a colleague films her.
The incident onboard the Boeing 737-800 made its way to bosses at Urumqi Air who confirmed the woman worked for the airline and that she had been ''suspended and disciplinedí'.
A statement from the firm said that the meal the woman was eating was among left-overs and that they supply their air crew with ëíadequate'' on-board meals.
They said that the food had been opened without permission instead of going through the proper procedure for dealing with left-over meals.
The companyís statement yesterday (Thur) said: ëíIn view of the employeeís irregularities, the company has started an investigation and disciplinary procedures in accordance with the regulations.
''The company has arranged a comprehensive internal investigation to ensure that crew follow strictly the implementation of food disposal processes, to avoid the recurrence of similar incidents.
ë'Urumqi Airlines since its inception uphold a responsible attitude to provide services to the general tourists.í'
They company did not say where the flight was filmed or when it happened but the footage emerged earlier this month.
They explained that each flight aimed to meet the passengersí demand for meals but there was sometimes a surplus when travellers did not eat the food.
A spokesman added: ''In addition, the crew will also be equipped with adequate crew meals.
''We are deeply sorry about the incident and will never tolerate such acts. Complying with industry standards is a basic requirement for professionals and apologizes for the troubles caused by this incident."
Infopenerbangan,- Maskapai penerbangan berbiaya murah asal China, Urumqi Air, memberikan skors kepada salah seorang pramugarinya setelah terekam dalam video sedang memakan makanan yang ditinggalkan penumpang.
Dilansir dari Daily Mail, pramugari tersebut sedang berdiri di samping tumpukan kotak makanan penumpang pesawat. Ia terlihat memakan sedikit sisa makanan yang berada di dalan kotak tersebut.
Pihak maskapai kemudian membenarkan kejadian itu dalam sebuah pernyataan. Mereka mengatakan bahwa pramugari tersebut adalah karyawan maskapai.
Maskapai juga membenarkan makanan tersebut memang makanan sisa dan petugas dianggap tidak menangani makanan tersebut secara benar.
Walaupun dikatakan bahwa tindakannya hanya untuk hiburan, maskapai tetap menjatuhkan skors kepada pramugari tersebut dan melakukan penyelidikan terkait aksinya.
Namun sikap yang diambil pihak maskapai menuai berbagai tanggapan netter. Ada yang menyebut sikap maskapai dengan menjatuhkan sanksi berlebihan dan ada juga yang membenarkan aksi maskapai.
“Tidak perlu menghukumnya dari pekerjaan hanya karena memakan makanan sisa. Jangan terlalu kejam terhadap pegawai mu Urumqi Air,” tulis salah satu netter dengan akun Aerozwc.
Namun salah seorang netter dengan akun bonaukou menuliskan komentar dengan mendukung aksi maskapai memberikan sanksi kepada pramugari.
“Walaupun tindakan tersebut merupakan candaan, tetap saja pramugari tersebut harus mematuhi peraturan yang diberikan oleh perusahaan. Kalau tidak, bagaimana bisa perusahaan bisa menjamin kepuasan terhadap penumpang? tulisnya. (*/NP)